The Henri Rieben Scholarship

Call for applications to Henri Rieben Scholarship. Application deadline: 4 May 2025

The Jean Monnet Foundation for Europe in Lausanne has created a scholarship for researchers dedicated to the memory of Professor Henri Rieben, the Foundation’s first President from 1978 to 2005, and an eminent specialist in European integration. It is known as the “Henri Rieben Scholarship”. The Foundation’s Scholarship is funded exclusively be private sources. The scholarship will be awarded in 2025 for the 15th consecutive year. It is endowed with CHF 3,000 per month.


The deadline for applications is 4 May 2025. The decisions will be notified to the applicants at the beginning of July 2025.


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“Henri Rieben Scholarship for doctoral research”:

Three months scholarship to allow doctoral researchers from around the world to stay at the Foundation in Lausanne.
Whatever the researcher’s discipline (history, political science, law, economics, sociology, art history, etc.), their doctoral thesis will have to regard European history, the stakes of the European integration and cooperation process, or the relations between Switzerland and Europe.

The following are required as part of the application file in French or English:

  • A short motivation letter from the candidate (the desired dates of the stay, between the beginning of September 2025 and mid-July 2026, may be indicated to the Foundation at the beginning of July if the scholarship is awarded);
  • A resume and, possibly, a list of scientific publications;
  • A brief presentation of the research project (2 to 3 pages) indicating the plan and calendar;
  • A reference letter from the thesis director.

(In French) Accéder au statut de la Bourse Henri Rieben pour recherche doctorale


  • The Jean Monnet Foundation for Europe regularly publishes books on European history and current affairs. Depending on the topic of the fellow’s dissertation, the Foundation may be interested in publishing a popularised version of the research.
  • The scholarship awarded each academic year encourages consultation and exploitation of the Foundation’s resources, such as the private archives of Jean Monnet, Robert Schuman (European papers), Robert Marjolin or those of Jacques Delors (1985-1995 period).
  • To apply, please click here.

For any general questions regarding the scholarship, please contact Mrs. Lucie Du Pasquier, Head of scientific mediation and publications ( ; tel. : +41 (0)21 692 20 96).


If you have any questions about the Foundation’s documentary resources, please contact Mr Vincent Bezençon, Head archivist (; tel. : +41 (0)21 692 20 97).


Consult the inventory of archives