
European Library

The Foundation offers researchers a specialised book resource that is in line with the state of scientific research on European issues. In addition to the regular purchases that fulfil this mission, the European Library receives donations on an ad hoc basis.

The main areas of focus are:

• collections of texts, documents and sources;
• the Memoirs of the protagonists, biographies and testimonies;
• the tests on the European construction;
• the proceedings of conferences;
• publications on Switzerland and Europe.

The Foundation also owns the political and historical works in Jean Monnet’s library, as well as several collections of works donated by personalities involved in European integration.

Access to the library catalogue

Since spring 2020, the Foundation’s library catalogue has been available on “Réseau des bibliothèques vaudoises”: Renouvaud. Today, more than 8,000 of our titles are listed there. The entire catalogue of the Foundation can be consulted by following this link. It is also possible to consult more specific parts such as the titles of the personal libraries of :

Jean Monnet;
Henri Rieben (in progress);
• or Professor Firmin Oulès, former holder of the Chair of Political Economy at the University      of Lausanne (1947-1974) and founder of the New School of Lausanne.

European Documentation Centre

The Foundation holds the status of “European Documentation Centre” granted by Brussels. As such, it receives all publications from each of the European institutions.

It currently manages this documentation in collaboration with the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (ISDC).

The Foundation keeps the basic texts (treaties, bulletins, annual management reports of the institutions, etc.) and the documentary resources from the Publications Office of the European Union making it available to all interested persons on topics related, for example, to the functioning of the Union’s institutions, intergovernmental conferences, summits and enlargement.

For any information regarding access to the library, please contact Vincent Bezençon by phone
(+41  21 692 20 97) or by email (