The Bodies

The Executive Council

The Executive Council, which also includes representatives of public authorities and institutions that make a significant contribution to the Foundation’s operations, draws up guidelines for its action.

LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL (Status as of 1st January 2024)

Membres à titre individuel

Pat Cox, President of the Foundation
Former President of the European Parliament, former President of the European Movement International

Jacques de Watteville, Vice-President of the Foundation
Former Secretary of State of the Swiss Confederation, former Chairman of the Board of Directors of BCV (2018-2021)

Pascal Fontaine, Vice-President of the Foundation
Honorary Director at the European Parliament, former professor at the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris

Denis Carlens
Human resources manager

Dominique de Buman
Former President of the Swiss National Council

Katja Gentinetta
Political philosopher, independant journalist and academic lecturer 

Gisèle Girgis-Musy
President of the International Balzan-Fonds Foundation, vice-president of Caritas Switzerland, former member of the executive board of the Federation of Migros cooperatives

Jean-Marc Rapp
Honorary Professor and Rector Emeritus of the University of Lausanne, former President of the European University Association (EUA)

Anne Sophie Rieben Schizas

Éric Roussel
Historian, member of the Institut de France (Académie des sciences morales et politiques)

Jan Tombiński
Former ambassador of the European Union 

Klaus Welle
Academic Council Chairman of the Wilfried Martens Center, former General Secretary of the European Parliament 

Représentants de collectivités ou institutions soutenant la Fondation

Patrizia M. Darbellay, representative of the City of Lausanne
Deputy City Secretary 

Patric Franzen, representative of the Swiss Confederation
Ambassador, Deputy State Secretary and Head of the Europe Division, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

Frédéric Herman, representative of the University of Lausanne
Rector of the University

Sandrine Verest-Junod, representative of the State of Vaud
Director of Federal and University Affairs at the General Directorate for Higher Education

See the hommage to José María Gil-Robles, former Chairman of the Foundation

See hommage to Jean Flory, former member of the Foundation’s Executive Board

The Council of the Foundation

The Council of the Foundation, a strategic orientation body, currently has more than 500 members, about half of whom come from Switzerland, the other half from the rest of Europe, and about 15 from around the world. Three generations are living side by side, former collaborators of Jean Monnet, protagonists of European integration and personalities interested in European issues and the Foundation’s activities. Coming from the academic, political, economic and administrative worlds, these close relations provide the Foundation with significant support, from Switzerland, Europe and abroad, capable of connecting it with the most varied institutions and personalities from the most diverse backgrounds. The General Assembly of the Foundation Board meets once a year.

The Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee includes personalities, Swiss and European, from various scientific disciplines (history, law, political science, economics, philosophy) who are active in the fields of research and education. The Scientific Committee contributes to the definition of the Foundation’s scientific objectives.

List of member in the Scientific Committee (in French only)