Radosław Sikorski (2020)

On 30 September 2020, Radosław Sikorski, President of the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with the United States, former President of the Polish Sejm, former Minister of National Defence and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, held a conference in English on the theme of “multilateralism”.

The event was jointly organised by the Foundation, the Swiss Foreign Policy Association (APG-ASPE) and CEDIDAC. It was held live and was broadcast on YouTube and Facebook. The conference at Radosław Sikorski was followed by a debate with Pat Cox, President of the Foundation, former President of the European Parliament and of the European Movement International, and Christa Markwalder, President of APG-ASPE, National Councillor and former President of the Swiss Parliament. The conclusions of this “live” were delivered by Damiano Canapa, professor at the University of Lausanne and director of CEDIDAC.

Conference on Facebook (link)

Conference on YouTube (in English)